A Story of Three Beginnings by Michael Austin
Introduction: A story before the story
Before I properly delve into what I have titled “A Story of Three Beginnings”, I would like to share a “story” before my “story”. This story is about how I became a guest writer for this online magazine. On the 25th of May, 2022, after a long while, I saw a message on my Facebook Messenger from Mrs Blessing Peter-Titus, a decent and godly woman whom I have had the privilege of knowing for more than twelve years. Between us exists a profound mutual respect. While chatting, she informed me of an online publication which will hopefully see the light of the day soon, and whose first issue will be titled “Genesis”. I was naturally happy that such a sanely ambitious project was to be undertaken by her and the other members of the Editorial Board. I expectedly congratulated her (them) and pledged my prayerful support. I thought that was to be my only contribution to the noble cause. But I immediately found out that I was not right in thinking that way. This was because as the chat progressed, she requested that I become one of the columnists of the initiative, which I later understood to be a Christianity-based publication. Her request was followed by a pause from me. I was telling myself during the silent moment that I just recently took the personal decision to make my low profile even lower by being under the radar for the many months ahead. I also weighed the risks associated with such a venture, especially the one that has to do with the times when one is expected to write something but no inspiration comes. After ruminating on this and many other challenges that could come with accepting such a responsibility, which is a lofty one in my opinion, I said “Yes”, believing that God was using Mrs Peter-Titus to dissuade me from cultivating, nurturing and maintaining an unhealthy silence. In addition to this, I also saw it as an opportunity to learn and grow.
The above “story” of my discussion with the Editor leads us to my “Story of Three beginnings”. Since the title of the maiden issue of this magazine is “Genesis”, it seems fitting to me that my very first contribution is about the three beginnings which are: “the Beginning before the beginning”, “the beginning” and “other beginnings”. We shall now see them.
The “Beginning” before the “beginning”
The first “Beginning” in our lives as Christians is the one that has to do with the generation of Jesus Christ, the Son, by his Father and our Father. This eternal truth predates human history and transcends the limits of time and space. The Gospel of John informs us on this in its first chapter which says: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (1:1). The use of the words “In the beginning” is reminiscent of the first words of the Holy Bible. Apart from the word “beginning”, this first chapter of John also uses other words found in Genesis chapter 1, like “life” (v.4), “light” (v.4) and “darkness” (v.5). This fact shows that there is an intimate connection between the two. The Word (i.e., Jesus) was in the beginning, meaning he was before every man and creature. In fact, it was through him that all things were made (v. 3). This “Beginning” is the most important and as such, it is one to always be most mindful of.
The “beginning”
The second “beginning” is the historical one. This is reported to us in the book of Genesis 1. The first verse of the first chapter tells us that “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth”. Creation is the art of making something out of nothing. It is not restoration, reconstruction, renovation or maintenance, but an act by which something which hitherto was inexistent comes into being. This means that there was no pre-existing material from which the world was made. Naturally, it is impossible to make something out of nothing, and no artist is able to work without some tools and materials on ground. But with God, the perfect artist, “nothing is impossible” (Luke 1:37), and that was why he was able to bring into existence the material from the immaterial. In this first chapter of Genesis, the material world was created, and the creation of the human being was the crowning point of it. While other things were simply created, man was created in the image and likeness of God (vv.26-28). These were all done by the omnipotent God, through his Word, and in union with the Holy Spirit.
Other “beginnings”
This last classification covers the remaining kinds of beginnings. There are so many other beginnings that came after the creation of the world. Some examples are: the beginning of sin (Genesis 3), the setting for the beginning of monarchy in Israel (cf. 1 Samuel 1-16), the beginning of Christianity after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (cf. Acts 2:1-13), etc. We as individuals also had our beginning when we were born, and we can also trace the starting points of our friendships and communitarian lives.
It is within the context of these other “beginnings” that we can also situate the existence of this online magazine. First of all, some people thought about it. It, thus, started in the mind. Thereafter, the protagonists involved looked for ways to bring it to fruition and that is why we are able to read the very first issue at this moment.
Concluding comment
As could be seen from the foregoing, beginnings are very important. The thought of them should always spur us to surmount the barriers to success. This should hold true for this digital initiative. Whenever the beautiful thought that brought about this enterprise comes to mind, it should urge those responsible not to waver in moments when they encounter difficulties. This “Genesis” should continue until the “Revelation” is arrived at.