Repentance – Francis Mkwapatira and Isidore Chinaemelum Uwanuakwa

The word ‘Repentance’ is often used in the Christian faith. The term refers to changing one’s mind and life towards God. It is the action or process of returning from misdeeds or moral shortcomings to a life of obedience to God. According to the Bridgeway Bible Dictionary, the act of repentance translates into conversion when a person demonstrates faith in God. When one does so, he turns from his misdeeds to total obedience to God. In the Christian faith, no one can become part of the Kingdom of God unless they undergo this process. It is very important for both believers and non-believers to understand repentance.
Knowing repentance as a concept is not enough. Actual repentance happens when one is convicted of their wrongdoing. At times, it is not conviction, but feeling sorry and guilt over a sin or a series of sins committed. Such people begin to review their actions, speech, and thoughts. When they do so, they often end up developing feelings of contrition or regret for the wrongs they did.
For most people who repent, the action precedes a commitment to change for the better. In modern times, it generally involves a commitment to behavioural change. People resolve to live a more responsible and humane life.
Repentance plays an important role in the doctrine of salvation in Christianity. In religious contexts, it often involves an act of confession to God or to a spiritual elder, who is the priest in most cases. This confession may include an admission of guilt, a promise or intent not to repeat the offence, an attempt to make restitution for the wrong, or in some way reverse the harmful effects of the wrong where possible.
Repentance is very applicable to our day-to-day lives. It enables us to live in harmony with each other. There are always chances of reconciling with others and moving ahead with our relations when people repent to one another. When men repent to each other, reconciliation is likely to occur. This happens regardless of the obstacles the relationships may have faced. Among others, the factors that are overcome when men repent include improper communication, different perspective on issues, emotional states, varying assumptions, and stereotypes.
In an instance where a person has hurt another when the wrongdoer repents, he is likely to be forgiven. This is not begging for forgiveness, without any will to change for the better. Forgiveness happens as soon as the wronged party recognises the sincerity and a change of behaviour in the person who offended them. The same applies to the relationship between God and man. When repentance is followed by forgiveness, there is an assurance that both the wrongdoer and the victim may live in peace as before. This makes it possible for men to live in peace, as it is admonished by Paul in Romans 13:18.
When man repents before God, when he steps away from his ego to be obedient to God, God becomes pleased. This is because the scriptures put it so. It says that there is more joy in heaven over one lost sinner who repents and returns to God than over many who are righteous and haven’t strayed away (Luke 15:7 NLT). That scripture helps us understand how much God values repentance. When we repent, our lives strive to be at peace with God and His creation. We aim to love Him and all His people. Doing so, according to Jesus in the book of Mark 12:33, summarises all the commandments of God.
Repentance also helps us to receive God’s forgiveness for our sins. As stated earlier, the decision to stop living for the self, the sinful nature, and to live for God leads to forgiveness of sin. It enables us to live right with God, allowing God’s Holy Spirit to help us to live for God’s cause alone (Acts 2:38). According to Jesus’s message in Mark 4:17, being controlled by the Spirit of God, makes us the potential candidates of the forthcoming Kingdom of God.
Despite the knowledge of repentance, how it occurs in the heart of man, its benefits to our daily interactions with others, and even its value in God’s presence. It may also be good to understand that repentance cannot be possible with man’s effort. It happens only when the gracious work of God is involved, according to the message of John 6:65.