Secrets of Winning – Ngozi Ifepeh
No one has travelled the road of success without crossing the streets of failure. God never promised us an easy journey; He only promised us a great destination. Look at the Israelites, they left Egypt for Canaan, the Promised Land. The journey was not an easy one, but one thing was sure – they arrived at the Promised Land.
In the Jungle:
The elephant is the Biggest
The giraffe is the Tallest
The fox is the Wisest
The cheetah is the Fastest.
Yet, the lion is the KING OF THE JUNGLE even without any of these qualities, we as children of the Most High God need to emulate the lion, because God has given us DOMINION over all his creations (Gen 1:28).
Qualities of winners
The qualities of winners can be likened to those of a lion. The greatest quality that makes a lion, the KING OF THE JUNGLE is that the lion is courageous, bold, walks with confidence, does anything and is never afraid. Little wonder, our Lord Jesus is referred to as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. Adam saw the quality of being courageous, bold and having guts in the lion and named it so. Children of God, we must emulate this number one quality to be winners. No circumstance should take us away from God’s presence because He that is in us is greater than he which is in the world (1 John 4:4). When you are bold and courageous, nothing should move you as in Psalm 125:1.
The lion believes it is unstoppable. Our God is unstoppable, so we must emulate Him. Once He arises, the rest becomes history. Consider when they wanted to leave the land of Egypt, Pharaoh was an obstacle, but God proved His might (Exodus 14:13-14). In Isaiah 31:4, the lion is not scared of the multitude of shepherds summoned against it, nor is it afraid of their voice nor disturbed by their noise. In the book of Luke 11:5-8, Jesus shared a parable teaching about Persistence, He narrated the story of a man who went to his friend’s place at midnight to request for bread for his visitor. Jesus said even though he will not get up and give him the bread because he was his friend, he would give him because he was not ashamed to keep asking. In the book of Luke 18:1-5, also on persistence, we are told of a widow who was seeking justice from a judge who neither feared God nor respected man. With the widow’s persistence, the judge will see to it that the woman gets her rights, if not the widow will wear him out.
In Willie Jolley’s “It only takes a minute to change your life” he made reference to Madam C.J. Walker who was a dynamic woman that did not allow her initial circumstance keep her from achieving greatness. She was not highly educated but with great positive mental attitude, she was able to rise above those who were more talented and more educated. She was the first black woman to become a millionaire in America. Children of God, a “NO” means Next Opportunity. Continue pressing further and harder, you must surely somehow get a “YES”. Everything is possible if you believe.
The lion is a risk taker. Remember, winners never quit; quitters never win. Hang on; never allow your limitations to limit you. Those who don’t take chances don’t make advancement. Even a turtle doesn’t get ahead unless it sticks its neck out. Take a bold step to know YOU (Your Own Uniqueness).
The lion believes any animal is food for him. Do you consider that the lion never goes about eating grass, not because it is proud but because it is the KING OF THE JUNGLE? Our creator, the Great Provider, provides for His own. Even when the lion goes hungry, those who put their trust in the Lord will never lack anything good (Psalm 34:10).
The lion believes any opportunity is worth giving a try and never lets it slip from its hands. Darren Hardy is quoted thus: “Winners deliver results, losers deliver excuses”. Consider this: In order to win, your desires to win should be greater than your fear to fail. Remember Thomas Edison, the inventor of the lightbulb; he failed over 10,000 times, but he refused to give up. He said “I didn’t fail; I just discovered another way not to invent the light bulb”.
Remaining focused and persistent is key to winning. Persistence breaks down resistance. Calvin Coolidge says “Press on nothing can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; the world is full of unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost proverb. Education alone will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
In conclusion, continue knocking, you either knock the door open or knock it down. You need to believe it is possible and believe in yourself that you can do it. Stay in the lion’s mood, that is the mood for winners.
Sing with me:
Jesus is a winner man
A winner man (2x)
Jesus is a winner man
A winner man all the time.